After 19 hours of labor, our little one finally arrived!! My water broke on the 13th at 10:30 pm and we went straight to the hospital. I wasn't in much pain for most of it. Before the epidural I thought that I might die! But, I received the epi at 7:30 this morning, and it seemed to be smooth (but slow) sailing from there. Finally, about 4:45 they told me that I was dilated enough to start pushing. And then it was really quick! She came out at 5:14 pm, she weighed 6 lbs 9 oz, and was 19 1/2 inches long. And she's perfect!! What a cutie! I immediately crashed after she was born and took an hour nap. But, we've been chillin' with her ever since. She's already making the funniest faces, and we love her so much! Pictures will be coming soon!