Monday, April 14, 2008

Weekend Home

It's always so much fun to go home! We never want to leave once we're there. We had a really great weekend in Kaysville, Utah. It was my Grandma's 80th Birthday Party, and all my brothers and sisters came home for it. Kirk was in heaven because he actually got to golf for the first time this season, and he rode some motorcycles and four-wheelers. I never seem to get any pictures of myself in there because I'm always the one taking the pictures!!

Here's Kirk with my two brothers and my step-dad about to go golfing!

Here he is with his golf clubs Just a side note - Kirk had the best score golfing!!! My brother Brad came in a close second. This is a good start to the golfing season.

Here is Kirk again on the four-wheeler with our nephew Drew. They were trying to do "mean" faces. That's the only way Drew would let us take a picture :)

Here's some pictures of my brothers Brad and Mitch on the motorcycle. Not long after these pictures were taken Mitchell crashed on the motorcycle, and the bike stopped running. Way to go Mitch!!

Here is a little video I took of Kirk on the four-wheeler. He was a little afraid to go up the hill that you see, but he finally got the courage to do it. He was like a little boy when he came in the house and said, "You have to come outside and watch me do this!!" It was really cute.

And I thought this last picture was a very handsome one of Kirk, so that's why I'm including it.

Overall, we had a very nice weekend, and a wonderful break from the grind.


kalie said...

JANELLE! I'm so excited I found you in the blogging world! I was checking Nicki Preece's blog and I saw your name and got so happy! That's so fun that you're a band teacher! I'm an English teacher in AZ, and I totally agree that it is so fun that I wonder how I actually get paid to do it. The tuba picture is definitely my fave. So update me! I'll browse around more, but let's stay in touch! Here's our blog URL: See you online!


Margie said...

Hi Janelle, I saw your name on Nicki's blog. I hope everything is going well with you, it looks like it is. I was so happy to see that you are a band teacher, that is so great! Happy blogging!


Criscell said...

Hi Janelle!! It's so good to catch up with you!! I found you on Kalie Chamberlain's blog. We're in the same ward here in AZ! Okay, so I'm SOOOOO jealous that you're living in my home town! Lucky girl--although I hear it's been pretty cold there and I love the weather here--right now, that is... Congrats on becoming a band teacher! Good for you! I bet you are great with the kids. Check out my blog sometime too!

T.J., Lindsay, Drew, and Cameron Stevens said...

Nelle! We both blogged about last weekend! Sweet! Great minds think alike....right? Cut pic's! I love the one of Kirk and cute.