Monday, November 17, 2008

Pregnancy Update

I know that some of you have requested a pregnancy update, so here it is!!! I'm 29 weeks along today, and I feel like things have started to get better. Instead of dropping weight like crazy, I'm finally starting to put a little on. I think I'm only down about 33 lbs now, and that's coming back up from 38 lbs lost. The barf count is slowing down too (which I'm thrilled about!!). I've thrown up a total of 105 times now, and hoping that I'm completely done. But, everytime I say that I end up throwing up the next day :( I've been having some problems with my kidney on the right side. I've been having a lot of cramping, and the doctors finally found out the I've got a bunch of fluid building up around my right kidney. It's been causing me a lot of pain, but I have some pain meds to deal with it and it seems to be getting better. Other than that its just been the usual aches and pains that come with pregnancy - achy back, crampy legs, being tired all of the time, etc. Our little baby is moving a ton though!!! She's so cute. However, I think she is finding her way to my ribs - she's kicked them a few times and it's hurt a lot, but I'm more worried about when she starts using my ribs as a foot rest!

Here's a picture of me today - 29 weeks along.

And here is Kirk at 29 weeks. No explanation needed. Sympathy accepted. Oh how I love him!!!


Giles Fam said...

SOOOO cute! Thanks for posting your cute pregnancy pic. I love when people keep us updated on their i can re-live pregnancy with you. Kinda stupid, but I think it's fun! Congrats on feeling better. That is definitely good news!!

Just Us Girlies said...

AW! Look how cute you are! Some days I miss my belly...and then I remember how far up Kenna was lodged into my ribs. :) We need to hang out soon!

Melissa said...

You look so cute all Prego! I miss seeing you guys!

Taren said...

Those pics of Kirk are funny! I should have taken a few of my husband. You look great. All that yuckiness you are feeling will go away the moment you see your baby girl in your arms. Then you will be in a sleepless daze for a few months....but at least you won't be throwing up.

Ryan and Melissa said...

We're glad to hear things are getting better. I can't imagine throwing up that much. You are looking very cute!

Erin said...

You are looking fantastic! I thougth husbands were supposed to put on sympathy weight, Steve actually lost 10 pounds :(

Have you thought of any names?

linds said...

That looks strangely familiar....oh, I know, have you heard of the pregnant man?!? hee, hee, hee

The McMullin's said...

You look so good! I can't believe that you are already that far along! I'm glad that you aren't throwing up all that much anymore. I'm so excited for you guys!

Scott and Amy said...

Hey Kirk, are you guys going for twins? Just Kidding, love you guys.