Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving Break

We had a great Thanksgiving break. We decided to go down to Vegas to visit my Dad and brother. It was great! The coolest thing we did was go to the Shark Reef at Mandalay Bay on the strip. I had never seen a shark before, and it was so cool. Here are few pictures from the Shark Reef.

On the way home from Vegas, I started having a lot of pain in my left side and it went all the way across my stomach. By the time we stopped in Kaysville to see my mom, I thought I was going to die - literally. So I had to go to the emergency room at Davis Hospital. They were running tests all night, and finally found out that I have hydronephrosis - which means that my kidneys are abnormally swollen and have fluid built up around them. They also found out that I have kidney stones in both of my kidneys. It was a miserable night - but things are getting better, and I'm not in so much pain anymore. Here is a picture of me right before they started doing all of their tests.


kalie said...

O my heck! Your pregancy is like the never-ending horrible saga!!! :( Feel better.

Hayden Life said...

You have had more ups and downs then anyone I know and yet still seem to put a smile on your face!! More power to ya!

Ryan and Melissa said...

My goodness Janelle! I'm glad you are feeling better and hope this is the end of the downs! You sure do have a great attitude, though. I admire you!

Monette and Mark said...

Oh Janelle! I'm sorry you keep finding yourself in the hospital. You seem to be enduring very well. Keep up your positive attitude. I hope the doctors can help you feel better. I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. We all have so much to be grateful for.

sNick said...

Get that kid out of you! Hope you feel better :)

Erin said...

I can't believe all this keeps happening to you. As if pregnancy isn't hard enough...I sure hope you feel better (although it is just in time to experience childbirth)You are already Super MOM!

Kathryn said...

Janelle... I am so sorry. Going to the hospital is the worst. I'm so sorry this has not been the easiest pregnancy. Hopefully it will all be over soon and then you will have a beautiful little baby. You're so strong... I'll be thinking about you.

Kathryn said...

I haven't "blogged" in a while, so I haven't known what has been going on with you, but I just scrolled down and saw all of your history with your pregnancy. You are a trooper. I had no idea how often you had been to the hospital. I wish I could make it all better for you.

Taren said...

I'm glad to hear mom and baby are doing better.

Mrs. Wallace said...

Janelle, girl, I'm so sorry for your bad experiences, I hope that you have no more complications while waiting for your little one.

Unknown said...

My goodness Janelle. Ok, we're done now right?! Gosh! Keep pluggin' on... though I KNOW it doesn't seem like it now, it will all have been worth it that first time you see your little one's face smile at you! Feel better, we'll keep you in our prayers.