Sunday, August 23, 2009

A true post

As I'm looking back at my blog, I realize that it has sort of become just a picture blog. Okay, let me rephrase that. It has become a 'Pictures of Emalee' blog. Not that that's a bad thing, but I feel that if you look at our blog you don't really know what's going on with our lives! I find myself feeling like I don't have much to post about because I don't have a lot of pictures to take everyday. And in my mind - a post without pictures???? Crazy! Well, here it is ladies and gentlemen. This will be a post entirely without pictures! (Deep breath) Let me tell you what's been happening in our lives recently.

We have moved in with my in-laws. I think that I've been dancing around actually saying it out loud because, honestly, I feel a little embarrassed about it. I loved teaching. It was honestly one of the greatest things I've ever done. However, I love Emalee more. When school got out for the summer and I was able to stay home with her, we noticed a HUGE difference in her! She wasn't as fussy, she started progessing faster, and she was happier all around. But, the bad news - Kirk just graduated and has yet to find a job. Hence, we moved into his parents basement. He's found a job at a call center in Boise speaking French - he's excited about that fact. It will help us pay some bills for now. Also, his Dad has offered for Kirk to take over his business selling insurance. Kirk has been hesitant to do this because... well, let's be honest - I don't know of a single child who says they 'want to be an insurance salesman' when they grow up. But, we'll see how it goes the next couple of years, and see if it is something we can raise a family on.

Emalee has been doing great! She gets bigger everyday! She giggles all of the time, and is such a happy baby. Here are some accomplishments in her life right now
She is sitting up totally and completely on her own! You just have to set some toys in front of her and she could stay there all day.
She is now taking a bottle like a champion. I know this may be confusing. She's almost 8 months old now - but that girl has LOVED nursing! We finally started introducing a bottle. She hated it at first, but now she thinks it's kinda nice!
She is SOOOO close to crawling! She can scoot herself on her tummy in a full circle - 360 degrees. But, she hasn't learned to push herself forward yet. Any day now, is what I'm thinking.

Well, there it is. It's not a complete update, but it's better than what I've been doing. I will try to be less 'picture crazy!!' and post something about ourselves. And, if you've stuck it out and read this far, way to go!


Anna said...

I loved the "true post"! Although I love the pictures of Emalee too! It's great to know what you guys are really up to. I am guilty of the picture posts too. We mama's just love showing off the bundle of joys in our life. Living with parents isn't always so bad, at least you have a basement. Alex and I have been living with my parents for 5 months now, and we just have a bedroom, and Braden keeps bouncing around to different rooms, due to my brothers moving in and out over the past 5 months. We will be here for 2 more months, and then finally have our very own roof over our heads. We are looking forward to it! Good luck with the new job and congrats on becoming a SAM (stay at home mom)! I love it!

Anna said...

Oops, SAHM!

Erin said...

I know what you mean about staying at home versus working. Things would be easier if I worked, but the cost would Tyler's quality of life. Props to you! We'll keep you in our prayers for a job.

Bottles are wonderful! And don't worry, we all like seeing pictures of her on your blog.

Lacey said...

Emalee is such a happy girl! And crawling?! She's too little, don't let her get big enough to crawl! This was a good post, i enjoyed reading it.

Taren said...

You should never feel ashamed or even question the choice you made. I feel that way sometimes because my husband is still in school and we live in an apt. But I am home with my kids and love it. You never get a do over so enjoy this beautiful time. If you have to make sacrifices to do what is best for your family, the Lord will recognize that and bless you beyond what you could have ever thought. Good for you you guys...and good luck!

sNick said...

Great post, J-dog. Any hey, I'd sell insurance over going to Iraq any day!

Melissa said...

I liked this post. Me going to work is a last resort. Luckily, we've managed without having to go that far. I'm too much of a control freak -- I have to know what's going on with my kids all the time. lol We've moved into a small apartment while we get back on our feet. I just keep telling's only temporary. Try it -- it really works. Good luck with everything!

Kyle and Melanie said...

Hey Janelle. It looks like things are going great for you guys. I didn't know you were in Boise. That is where Kyle's family is from. We will eventually end up there (in a couple of years). So, if you stay there, that would be awesome to live by you guys!

It sounds like the family reunion was a blast. I totally missed out. Hopefully we can make it next year.

Your little girl is so cute! You all look great!!!

Kiersten said...

Yay! It was good to hear what's going on. I'm so glad you can stay home with Emalee. We're kind of doing the same thing--living on no income while jared starts his phd program so that I can stay home with Caleb. It kind of stinks sometimes (the having no $ part!) but I'm so grateful that I can be home with him!