Friday, November 9, 2007

Exciting News!

So, I've not said anything about this in our blog for fear that it is too good to be true. But, as soon as I'm done student teaching I will start my new job as the Band Teacher at Snake River High School, Junior High, and Middle School. The coolest part about it is that my Grandpa Bruce was also a band teacher back in the day, and in about 1954 he was the first band director at Snake River High School. So, I get to teach at the same school my Grandfather taught at. I was able to visit the school yesterday and got some pictures of my new band room!

Can you just picture me standing up in the front of the room teaching my band students? :)

My favorite part is the light fixtures and the wierd paint on the wall. Very 70's!

Those of you who know me well will know exactly why I'm excited about this picture! Brand new marching band uniforms! The school spent a huge amount of money on them, and they only used them for one year! I couldn't believe it when I saw all of the perfect uniforms in the closet!


Ryan and Melissa said...

Congratulations Janelle! That is so exciting! Good luck and keep us posted.

Ben and Cortney said...

That is so wonderful. You must of really impressed them, I would imagine that it is very competitive. Yeah for blogs!

Unknown said...

Congrats to you Mrs. Band Director! I am sure that you will be great and love it! School is so much more when you aren't the student! haha

Monette and Mark said...

Hey remember us? I love looking through everyone's blogs from the old 68th ward. That is so cool you get to be the band teacher where your grandpa taught. I once substitute taught in my old junior high school band room. I had a blast. Congrats!

Aggieland Mom said...

Janelle that is awesome! Way to go! We are so happy and excited for you!