Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My Dearest Hubby

So, today I've decided that husbands are wonderful. Well, I actually decided this long ago, but today I was more aware of those feelings. I had a really long day at school, and afterwards had to spend a million dollars at the dentist office. I was bummed about going home to an empty house because my husband would still be at work, and I knew that our house was a wreck. Well, I walked in to find all of our laundry folded and put away, the bed made, and the house picked up. I was able to just sit, relax, and watch American Idol without stressing about my house! He just seems to always know when it's going to be a long day for me, and does everything he can to make it better! How did I ever get so lucky? :)


kalie said...

Wow, that IS really tender! Way to be, Tingeys!

T.J., Lindsay, Drew, and Cameron Stevens said...

Tell Kirk that I just gave him a pat on the back...what a peach!!!