Thursday, July 17, 2008

Memory Tag

So, I may have stolen this from my friend Sami's blog, but I thought that it was such a great idea. And it was really fun to read the memories that people were leaving in the comments. So, think hard and leave a memory!!

1. Add a comment of a memory you have of the 2 of us can be a recent memory or a memory of way back

2.Add these instructions to your own blog and wait for the memories to roll in!


Jessica said...

Oh my, reading all these memories makes me wish I were young with a lesbo hair cut again.

I know it doesn't need to be mentioned but it will be...Colton Bennett...I'm such a dork

Toilet papering who we though was Mike Accord's house and Richard Taylors.

Singing Backstreet Boys over and over on the St. George trip that you were in LOVE with Dan.

All of our funny words like Beav that's a classic and I still use it to this day.

What rated R movie did you get caught watching at my house? that's too funny.

Jessica said...

I wasnt' going to mention the lesbo hair cut as a memory but I think it needs to be spoken of of your blog. I remember how excited we were and then we had no clue how to style them so we just looked ridiculous. and I remember how when we both looked in the mirror we looked at each other and almost started bawling. I forgot about walking around the neighborhood thouhg like we were the coolest, I love it!

Kiersten said...

Wow, you and Sami are killing me. I cannot think of just one memory! So here are a few...

First of all, I just have memories of all of the stories you would tell us, about Twain Harte, the time you ran into the counter and hit your tooth (I don't know why I remember that), how everyone in California thought you were going to become a hick when you moved to Utah...just random stories. You were always good at that.

Also, I remember lots and lots of Sarah McLaughlin. I remember laying on your bed and listening to the Surfacing CD and being such angsty teenagers. We were pretty dramatic at times.

I remember getting that gigantic Costco-sized carton of goldfish with you and Sami and eating them in your front yard (when you lived in my ward).

I remember your turtle, Letters.

I remember listening to My Heart Will Go On and having a semi argument about which one of us was going to sing it in the junior high talent show. Because we were cool like that.

And most of all, I remember how you were like the "rugby" queen and took that gash out of the back of Brandon Morgan's neck. Classic.

I miss you!

Amber said...

Mostly Tasty's memories:

When Kalie, Nicki, you and I went to Doug and Emmy's for the last time. I could barely eat because I'd just had my wisdom teeth out. I loved having us 4 in a car, laughing and singing together.

One time I had set a goal to minimize kissing this guy I was dating. Nicki was checking up on me and I was trying really hard to avoid alone time. But I slipped up and when I told you how we'd made out in his car, your reaction was "GO AMBER!" You were never one to keep me on the straight and narrow. But I love ya.

samiandcase said...

i was laughing so hard as i was reading kiersten's comments.....i 2nd everything she said!
especially the gouge out of brandon morgan's neck and how we got lectured about it in our young womens lesson the next week..

i totally remember sitting on your bed listening to Sarah Maclaughlin and bawling about how i loved some boy and he didn't even know funny

i remember that party you had at your house and all those random people from kaysville jr high who showed up.....while i was out on the rocks in your backyard with richard taylor and colton bennett and richard trying to get us to kiss.....i would have kissed him in a heartbeat even though i didn't even like him...

and remember running around our neighborhood with richard, sean, etc. singing that one song about being freshmen? i cant remember the title of that song but we LOVED it

Margie said...

This is fun! I also remember that party at your house with all kinds of random Kaysville Junior High and I remember thinking, "wow, so this is what a real highschool party is like." Then I remembered I was lame and had know clue.

Also, I remember lots of early morning rides to school. Listening to Amanda Dixon on KSL.

Oh, and in Jr. High I was always jealous because you and Kiersten were always the best singers. And then I remembered I couldn't sing!

kalie said...

These really are so fun. I'll just post one, because to me, it signifies all Janelle memories at once:

When we did WSS as seniors, I remember that there was someone's mom (dang it! now I can't remember whose...) who cried her eyes out everytime you sang "Somewhere." I remember she told someone who told me that you were born to sing and to sing that song. You, to me, are everything rich and meaningful in music. :) That, along with many Tasty's memories, is my Janelle memory.

sNick said...


Melissa said...

Ok favorite Memory...
I have a few.
Well the first time I really met Janelle when you guys came over to my house to watch Grey's...
Jennifer was there and made us all make those stupid package things...I was pretty embarrassed but luckily you didn't hate me the next day =]

But really I loved the Guitar Hero parties...just hanging out with everyone and having fun!!

We need to do it again sometime...